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Introducing Merchant Intelligence

Written by Nate Roy | Nov 15, 2023 8:00:00 AM

In recent years, the role of the modern merchandiser has continued to shift from art to science — as merchants are spending two-thirds of their time gathering data, managing exceptions, “firefighting,” and participating in meetings to syndicate with colleagues. But without the right skillset, it’s often difficult for them to set up testing and interpret results in a way that optimizes key business metrics. It’s also easy for them to feel overwhelmed by the amount of data at their fingertips.

We’re excited to announce Constructor has added AI-driven Merchant Intelligence to its holistic suite of enterprise product discovery tools, a must-have product for ecommerce teams looking to make better data-driven decisions.

Unlike other platforms, Merchant Intelligence provides merchants the AI-powered tools they need to properly comprehend data and make informed decisions at a glance. Through actionable insights provided during a guided experience, merchants can optimize global search, browse, and slotting rules and drive business success. 

Improve the User Experience

Seventy-one percent of consumers expect companies to deliver personalized interactions across web, mobile, and in person. And an even higher percentage of consumers (76%) get frustrated when this doesn’t happen — contributing to waning brand loyalty in the wake of rising prices. 

If ecommerce companies want to attract, engage, and retain new buyers despite broader macroeconomic trends, they need to provide a better omnichannel shopping experience, where there is consistency across channels. 

Yes, this requires grounding their approach using a customer lens. But it also involves letting AI guide data-driven merchandising decisions


"Winning decisions are increasingly driven by analytics more than instinct, experience, or merchant “art”; what succeeded in the past is now a poor predictor of the future, and analytics is helping to inform and unlock new pockets of growth.” - McKinsey


Reap Tangible Business Results

Many of our clients tell us that as they make changes to global search, browse, and slotting rules, it is challenging to determine if the results they see are due to those inputs or simply external trends. And sifting through mounds of analytics data without gleaning any real insights can feel like a waste of time.

Merchant Intelligence provides a more guided experience with AI-driven insights, a saving grace for those who aren’t familiar with nor have time to decipher the complexities and terminology of testing.

In the current version of Merchant Intelligence, Constructor is offering merchandisers two tools: A/B testing and Rule Performance. A/B testing allows a merchandiser to test one global search rule and one global browse rule concurrently. Each test’s performance can be monitored via a dashboard where the user can decide when to stop the test. 

Rule Performance provides analytical data outside of a test to help users understand how slotted positions on various pages are performing compared to when they were not slotted.

Being able to conclusively determine whether a decision results in a better or worse experience helps ecommerce teams protect revenue, save costs from operational overhead, and increase their internal credibility. 

And when paired with Constructor’s out-of-the-box functionalities, Merchant Intelligence leads to tangible lifts in the business KPIs that matter most to ecommerce brands.

Ecommerce Product Discovery at Its Finest

Merchant Intelligence joins Constructor’s powerhouse suite of AI-powered search and discovery tools. Generating consistent $10M+ lifts for our customers, Constructor is the only AI-first, ecommerce-first product discovery solution trusted by large retailers and B2B solutions.

Learn more about Merchant Intelligence here