This marks a huge milestone in our journey to bring personalized product search and discovery to eCommerce shoppers everywhere. We believe that product search and discovery is still in its infancy and that every online shopping experience should become a personalized and dynamic experience.
Our investment round includes retail industry experts and some of the best minds in the startup world who will help bring Constructor to the next level. These include:
“It’s estimated that $35.3 billion is lost every year by U.S. businesses in customer churn caused by avoidable customer experience issues, such as fair treatment and responsive service.
Constructor’s AI-powered software aims to address the challenges with discovery tools including search, autosuggest, browse, recommendations, and collections. Each of the company’s tools collects data, learning from queries and users to optimize for customers hundreds of millions of times every day.”
“…One of the more dysfunctional areas [of eCommerce] is search and discovery. As most of us have unfortunately learned firsthand, when we search for things in the search window of an online store, it’s almost always the case that the results don’t have what we want…. This is one area that Constructor has rethought, specifically by making search and discovery more dynamic and responsive to what’s happened before you ever visit a site.”
Learn more about Constructor, book a demo now.